Routledge Studies in World Englishes: English Pronunciation Models in a Globalized World : Accent, Acceptability and Hong Kong English by Andrew John Sewell FB2, MOBI, DJV


This book explores the topics of English accents and pronunciation. It highlights their connections with several important issues in the study of English in the world, including intelligibility, identity, and globalization. The unifying strand is provided by English pronunciation models: what do these models consist of, and why? The focus on pronunciation teaching is combined with sociolinguistic perspectives on global English, and the wider question asked by the book is: what does it mean to teach English pronunciation in a globalized world? The book takes Hong Kong - 'Asia's World City' - as a case study of how global and local influences interact, and of how decisions about teaching need to reflect this interaction. It critically examines existing approaches to global English, such as World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca, and considers their contributions as well as their limitations in the Hong Kong context. A data-based approach with quantitative and qualitative data anchors the discussion and assists in the development of criteria for the contents of pronunciation models. English Pronunciation Models in a Globalized World: Accent, Acceptability and Hong Kong English discusses, among other issues: Global English: A socio-linguistic toolkit Accents and Communication: Intelligibility in global English Teaching English Pronunciation: The models debate Somewhere Between: Accent and pronunciation in Hong Kong Researchers and practitioners of English studies and applied linguistics will find this book an insightful resource., This book presents accent variation as a topic that intersects with and illuminates several important issues, including intelligibility, identity, globalization, and the study of English in the world. The unifying strand is provided by pronunciation teaching: what does it mean to teach English pronunciation in a globalized world? The book takes Hong Kong Asia s World City as a case study of how global and local influences interact, and how decisions about teaching need to reflect this interaction. It critically examines existing approaches to global English, such as World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca, and considers their contributions as well as their limitations in the Hong Kong context. A data-based approach with quantitative and qualitative data anchors the discussion and assists in the development of criteria for the contents of pronunciation models. "English Pronunciation Models in a Globalized World: Accent, Acceptability and Hong Kong English" discusses, among other issues: Global English: A socio-linguistic toolkit Accents and Communication: Intelligibility in global English Teaching English Pronunciation: The models debate Somewhere Between: Accent and pronunciation in Hong Kong Researchers and practitioners of English studies and applied linguistics will find this book an insightful resource. ", This book presents phonological variation as a topic that intersects with and illuminates several interesting and important issues, including accent and identity, variation and language attitudes, decisions about teaching, and the nature of English in the world. It examines how global and local influences interact by taking Hong Kong Asia s World City as a case study of how variation is the new norm under globalization and superdiversity. The challenge for language teaching and language testing lies in acknowledging this inherent variability while retaining pedagogical coherence and societal acceptance. A data-based approach with quantitative and qualitative data anchors the discussion and assists in the development of criteria for model selection. The book presents a coherent approach to the selection of pronunciation models for language teaching, one that may have relevance for other contexts. The interrelationship of the local and the global is a strand that both informs the approach and connects the findings with current debates on global English."

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